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Category Archive: Uncategorized

  1. Titanium Could be Used to Create Element 120


    Unbinilium, or eka-radium, is a hypothetical chemical element that would take its place on the s-block on the periodic table. Element 120 is of particular interest to scientists because it might be stable, as opposed to every other heavy element synthesized in a lab. If synthesized, element 120 would be the 36th heavy element that […]

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  2. Carbon Footprint Cut: Swedish Mining Firm Turns to Green Hydrogen


    The efforts to achieve net-zero targets require significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Industries are actively seeking alternative resources to address this challenge. A Swedish mining firm is tapping into green hydrogen as a sustainable energy solution for their industrial processes. Sweden’s state-owned mining and minerals company, LKAB, which operates the largest underground iron-ore mine in […]

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  3. Scientists Develop Method for Evaluating 3D Printed Metal Quality


    Scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed a cost-efficient method to evaluate the quality, physical, and mechanical properties of 3D printed metal parts. This is a very important development for engineers and technicians across all fields, as it could unlock 3D printing technology applications that were previously deemed too risky due to […]

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  4. Why Choose Inconel 718 For Your Additive Manufacturing


    Inconel, is a superalloy better known as Alloy 718. It has long since been noted to be the go-to additive manufacturing material. Since it’s use post World War II, it has been cited as an alloy capable of performing high when it it’s exposed to extreme heat conditions. What Are Alloys? This material is a […]

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  5. These Are the Largest Engines in the World by Type


    Turbofan Engine – General Electric 90-115B A 18 feet (5.5 m) long and 11.25 feet (3.4 m) monster weighing 18,300 lbs (8300 kg) and delivering 127,000 pounds (565,000 N) of thrust. It is used in the Boeing 777 aircraft. Aviation Piston Engine – Pratt & Whitney R-4360 “Wasp Major” This is a 3,500 BHP beast […]

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  6. How Can Data Help Build Confidence in Vaccines? Let us Count The Ways!


    Despite their best efforts, companies that have dedicated their research to improving the lives of Joe Public have appeared to fall behind. This is primarily due to the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the companies’ non-readiness for such a disaster. However, a company in the United States used it to their advantage, and […]

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  7. South Korea Invests $450 Billion in Chip Manufacturing Upgrade


    The South Korean government has announced a behemoth investment of $450 billion for the development of chip manufacturing plants as well as the expansion of existing ones. South Korea is home to leading chipmakers such as Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, two giants in the field. However, the country hasn’t stayed unaffected by the chip […]

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  8. Self-Walking Exoskeletons Are Here!


    Very soon from now, exoskeletons will be able to determine by means of evidence and reasoning how to walk by themselves–all with the help of AI of course. The First-Gen Exoskeletons Up until very recently, humans still had to provide step-by-step instructions to prosthetics on the next action that had to be performed. Founding father […]

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  9. Rolls-Royce Starts Building The World’s Largest Aero Engine


    The British engineering giant, Rolls-Royce has announced that it has begun constructing the world’s largest aircraft engine- ‘UltraFan.’ After successfully developing the ‘Trent engine family, the company has made a start on the demonstrator for its new ‘UltraFan. They claim that it will “help redefine sustainable air travel for decades to come”. A step forward […]

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  10. What Is Magnetic Annealing and how Does it Work?


    Annealing is the process of heating a metal piece to increase its ductility and at the same time reduce its hardness, essentially making it more workable. However, during this process, atoms migrate in the crystal lattice, and the number of dislocations decreases, so the piece is undergoing permanent changes as it cools and fully recrystallizes. […]

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  11. Scientists Produce Metals Four Times Harder than Naturally Occurring Structures


    A team of scientists at Brown University in Rhode Island has developed a novel technique through which they can smash individual metal nanoclusters together and form larger bits of solid metal. This is very important because first, it gives metallurgists an unprecedented versatility to create whatever crystalline structures they want/need, and second, it empowers them […]

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  12. The “Interceptor” Promises Cleaner Rivers and Plastic-Free Oceans


    Did you know that over 80% of ocean plastic ends up there from 1,000 rivers? Rivers pass through the land where polluting human activity takes place, and inevitably, carry waste to the sea. While the cleaning of the oceans remains crucially important, stopping the problem at its root is even more urgent. Meet the “Interceptor”, […]

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