Stainless Steel A286 AMS 5726
AMS 5726 is a sub-type specification of A286, precipitation-hardenable stainless steel with high strength at high temperatures. As a result, this specification finds use in various aircraft components, specifically for jet engine parts, industrial gas turbines and superchargers in the automotive industry.
Also, AMS 5726 has excellent resistance to corrosion in aqueous solutions, specifically acetic acid, nitric acid, and salt spray. Because of that, it is used for the manufacturing of tanks, piping, and pumps. Ultimately, thanks to the excellent cryogenic non-magnetic strength, AMS 5726 is used to manufacture parts that require that quality.
Tech Steel & Materials offers this specification in bar and wire. This specification comes in a solution heat-treated and work-strengthened condition. Maximum strength can be achieved by solution treating, followed by cold working and aging.
Furthermore, the alloy can be readily welded using all standard procedures, including gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc, and shielded metal arc. It is recommended to use AMS 5726 wire for welding, but nickel-based metals also work. Also, it is crucial to weld the material in the solution annealed condition to prevent cracking.
AMS 5726 can be readily cold worked and formed, just like other cobalt and nickel stainless steel alloys.