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Home > Cobalt Cobalt ASTM F562-13

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ASTM Spec ASTM F562-13
AMS Spec AMS 5844 | AMS 5845 | AMS 5758
Type Cobalt
UNS UNS R30035
Alloy Cobalt


ASTM F562-13 is a sub-type specification of Cobalt M35N, a Multiphase cobalt-based alloy with ultra-high-strength of 260 ksi to 300 ksi (1790 mPa to 2070 mPa). Thanks to the high percentage of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum, ASTM F562-13 shows outstanding resistance to stress corrosion cracking and crevice corrosion, as well as oxidation at high temperatures, and sulfidation. ASTM F562-13 is also biocompatible.

Tech Steel & Materials offers ASTM F562-13 as wrought 35Cobalt-35Nickel-20Chromium-10Molybdenum alloy. ASTM F562-13 is produced with a vacuum induction melting and consumable vacuum arc re-melting methods.

Thanks to the unique qualities of ASTM F562-13, it is used for the medical industry, mainly for surgical implants, such as bone plates, screws, pins. The good ductility and work-strengthening of this alloy make it useful in orthodontic and prosthetic applications, such as dental braces or replacement body parts. ASTM F562-13 also finds use in other fields that require high corrosion resistance, and it can be used for the manufacturing of chemical equipment or seawater equipment.

Like similar cobalt-nickel alloys, ASTM F562-13 can be work-strengthened by extruding, drawing, rolling, and swaging. The highest tensile strength can be obtained by combining work-strengthening with an additional aging process at 1200° F (540° C to 650° C). That said, for best sulfide resistance, the aging process should take place at 425° F (220° C).